I think it is always hard to come back from a break, but at least it is already Friday! :) Today we are continuing our practice with visual texture. Next week we will return to making things out of clay which explores tactile texture. Ask your son or daughter if they can tell you the difference.
Today I am checking HW- draw a superhero or a super villain. This assignment was suggested by my students. I love it. Here are some of their drawings.

Madalynn's "Batman"

Ali's "Hulk"
Then we worked on our assignment called "Texture in Your Face". This activity required students to draw from a large picture projected at the front of the class. We drew close-up pictures of snake skin and feathers.

Jordan drawing the snake skin.

Example of the finished activity.
Finally we got to draw texture by looking at real objects and trying to recreate their texture on our paper in either colored pencils or pencils.

Students tried to recreate the texture of the smooth. hard, blue glass with colored pencils.

Meagan drawing the blue glass.

Students then had to draw the soft pale marshmallows.

Jared and Alex drawing their marshmallows.