We continued to practice our 1-point perspective skills. We drew cubes, cylinders, pyramids, and ovals in 1-point perspective.
Friday is the last day to turn in permission slips for the field-trip to the NC Museum of Art in Raleigh. The $10 is not due until Oct. 22nd.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Today in class we started our new unit on perspective. We began by reading a book called "I Ain't Gonna Paint No More" in honor of being finished with our abstract paint project. Many students learned that paint was not their media of choice. Then we took some notes on perspective and discussed perspective looking at several photos. Finally, we spent the remainder of class drawing cubes in 1-point perspective.
Taylor drawing his cubes in 1 point perspective.

Tyler and Adan practice their perspective skills.

Chris working carefully on his cubes.
A close up image f the cubes in 1-point perspective.
1. Visual Journal due tomorrow.
2. Last day to turn in signed Sept newsletter
3. signed progress report due
4. Raleigh permission slip due. Last day to turn in the permission slip is this Friday. $10 for the fieldtrip is due Oct. 22.
Tyler and Adan practice their perspective skills.
Chris working carefully on his cubes.
1. Visual Journal due tomorrow.
2. Last day to turn in signed Sept newsletter
3. signed progress report due
4. Raleigh permission slip due. Last day to turn in the permission slip is this Friday. $10 for the fieldtrip is due Oct. 22.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
We started class today with our warm-up. Students had to simplify complex objects into simple shapes. 
2. Next, students painted last square of their color project with either warm or cool colors. After students had put the finishing touches on project, they turned it in for a grade
4. Once students had finished their paint project, they could start coloring a mandala in either warm or cool colors.
5. HW: Finish Visual Journal #1 (Due Thursday), Sept Newsletter (due 9-30), Raleigh Permission slip (Due 10-1).
Monday, September 27, 2010
1 Finish visual journal that we started in class on Friday. Due Thursday, 9-30
2. Sept newsletter signed. Due Thursday, 9-30
3. Fieldtrip permission slip turned in. Due Friday, 10-1
Friday, September 24, 2010
First thing in class today I checked our homework for the week which is a contour line drawing of any object of your choice. A contour line drawing is a line drawing that is created with one continuous line. This mean that students had to draw their picture without picking up their pencils. This is DJ's homework, and it is a fantastic example of a contour line drawing.

After storytime (yes, we read a children's book, "ish", that was related to our project today), we worked on our first visual journal. This activity gives students a chance to express their personality in their art. It also gives students the opportunity to combine the visual image with the written word. More on visual journal in a couple weeks. The students' visual journal pages are to be completed for homework. They will count as their weekly sketchbook check next Friday, Oct. 1st.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
We have been so busy in class I have not had a moment to snap a photo of the students painting. Today we labeled our color wheel, just to make sure my students are learning all that I think that they are. :) Then we reviewed our notes on color with a PowerPoint presentation. The students love the slide about afterimage. Check out Jasper John's green, black and yellow American flag to learn more.
Then we learned to mix paint to create the blue value scale in paint.
Finally we started painting our monochromatic section on our paint project. Monochromatic means one color plus black and white. Sounds boring but the students were amazed at how many colors they were able to create.
1. Draw a contour line drawing (due Friday)
2. Signed Sept Newsletter
3. Signed Raleigh permission slip
4. $10 for Raleigh fieldtrip
If you have questions about the homework, send me an email. I'll be sure to snap some photos tomorrow.
Then we learned to mix paint to create the blue value scale in paint.
Finally we started painting our monochromatic section on our paint project. Monochromatic means one color plus black and white. Sounds boring but the students were amazed at how many colors they were able to create.
1. Draw a contour line drawing (due Friday)
2. Signed Sept Newsletter
3. Signed Raleigh permission slip
4. $10 for Raleigh fieldtrip
If you have questions about the homework, send me an email. I'll be sure to snap some photos tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Today we started off the morning with more practice simplifying complex objects into simple shapes. Today we created a toucan out of simple shapes.
Next we took notes on color and then created an abstract line drawing for our next major project which we will be painting.
Finally, we spent the remaining time in class learning how to mix paint colors and paint our color wheel.

1. Draw a contour line drawing due Friday.
2. Get September Newsletter signed by 9-30
3. Get Permission Slip signed and returned by 10-1
3. Bring $10 for fieldtrip by 10-22
1. Draw a contour line drawing due Friday.
2. Get September Newsletter signed by 9-30
3. Get Permission Slip signed and returned by 10-1
3. Bring $10 for fieldtrip by 10-22
Monday, September 20, 2010
Today we started our day off with a warm-up practicing a skill we have already learned, how to simplify a complex object into a simple shape. Then we watched our short weekly art history video. This week's video was about the German master, Durer. Next, we finished carving our printing plates and creating our prints. Once students finished their prints, they worked on t-shirts designed for art club and JETS club.
Friday, September 17, 2010

Today students printed their linoleum prints.

Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Today we started off by drawing a contour line drawing of a person. This is a difficult drawing technique because it requires you to not pick up your pencil. It is great, however, for teaching students to carefully draw what they see. It is also great practice for teaching your hand and your eyes to work together in the drawing process.
The next thing on our agenda today was to have a demo on how to use the cutting tools to cut our printing plate. Finally, students had the remaining time in class to work on carving out their linoleum printing plate.

1. drawing of favorite article of clothing (Due Friday)
2. Signed September Newsletter
3. Signed Permission slip and $1 for Fieldtrip to Concord Art Galleries on Thursday.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Warm-up: Today we started class with a warm-up activity to remind us about the technique of contour line drawing that we learned in the first week of school. Below are some examples of the students' contour line drawings.
HOMEWORK: 1. Draw your favorite article of clothing (spend at least 15 minutes working on it.)
2. Get your Spetember newsletter signed. 3. Get permission slip signed and bring $1 for
Thursday's fieldtrip during our class period.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Today in class:
1. Art History Video- da Vinci
2. Compare and Contrast da Vinci and Giotto
3. Notes and PowerPoint on Balance
4. Finish Ocean design in paper
For Homework:
1. Weekly sketchbook assignment: draw your favorite article of clothing
2. Get September Newsletter signed
3. Get permission slip signed and bring your $1
1. Art History Video- da Vinci
2. Compare and Contrast da Vinci and Giotto
3. Notes and PowerPoint on Balance
4. Finish Ocean design in paper
For Homework:
1. Weekly sketchbook assignment: draw your favorite article of clothing
2. Get September Newsletter signed
3. Get permission slip signed and bring your $1
Friday, September 10, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Today in class we practiced looking at a complex object and then trying to simplify that object in to shapes. Then we looked at images on PowerPoint to review our shape and form notes from yesterday. We took the rest of the class period to work on the 3 designs for our black and white shape project. 

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