Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Today we are continuing our unit on the element of Line. We are starting class by practicing creating contour line drawings. Next, we spent some time studying our guided notes on line. We will be having a quiz on line tomorrow. And finally, we spent the remaining time in class creating a mystery line drawing. I call it a mystery line drawing because students do not know what they are drawing until the end of the activity. The project is divided into 16 sections and only 1 section of the drawing is revealed at a time. This activity forces students to really look at what they see. It also helps students train their eyes and hand to work together as they draw.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
1. Warm-up: draw a modified contour line drawing of a flower
2. Pre-test
3. Continue working on Big Sweep Poster Contest
1st period- 9th graders
2nd period- 12th graders
4th period- 10th and 11th graders
· ~Bring $10 Supply fee
· ~ Get August Newsletter signed
· ~ Get both permission slips signed
· ~ Start getting supplies or bring money in to purchase supplies from Mrs. Highsmith
· ~Weekly Sketchbook check- due Friday. Big Sweep Poster design contest.
Monday, August 29, 2011
2. As a review of the guided notes from Friday, our warm-up today asked students to write the 5 types of lines and the 5 ways lines vary on a post-it note.
3. After the warm-up we had our first "Art History Monday". Today we are watching the video on Ancient Art.
4. After the video, students get to practice there creative side by creating a design for the Big Sweep Poster Contest. I am honored to say, that a student from my class won the contest last year. Her design was made into posters and t-shirts. She also got a $100 check for her design! Let's hope we can carry on the tradition again this year.
· ~Bring $10 Supply fee
· ~ Get August Newsletter signed
· ~ Get both permission slips signed
· ~ Start getting supplies or bring money in to purchase supplies from Mrs. Highsmith
· ~Weekly Sketchbook check- due Friday. Draw a tiger.
Friday, August 26, 2011

~Bring $10 Supply fee
~ Get August Newsletter signed
~ Get both permission slips signed
~ Start getting supplies or bring money in to purchase supplies from Mrs. Highsmith
~Have a nice weekend!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Welcome to our first day in Art I. We started class today by getting to know each other. Mrs. Highsmith created a PowerPoint (available on her homepage) to introduce herself to the class and then students filled out a questionnaire about themselves.
Next, students created a drawing of their hand holding an object. This drawing will be used to show student growth at the end of the semester. The following pictures show the seniors in 2nd period working on their drawings.
After the drawings, the class reviewed the August Newsletter (to be signed by a parent or guardian tonight) and looked at the class Blog (link on Mrs. Highsmith's Homepage). Each day we post write-ups and photos to our blog. Follow along with us each day!
We also got two Fieldtrip forms today to get signed! $7 will cover the cost of our 3 field trips throughout the semester. We will be going to the Concord Gallery on two occasions and to the Mint Museum once.
Finally with the few minutes left in class we began to discuss our classroom Rules and Procedures. We will continue this discussion tomorrow.
HOMEWORK:~$10 Supply Fee
~August Newsletter Signed
~Fieldtrip Permission Slips Signed
~get art supplies (posted on blog and in the August Newsletter)
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
If you don't have the opportunity to go out and purchase supplies, all of the following supplies can be purchased in the classroom. In addition, there is a $10 supply fee to cover the cost of materials used in the class throughout the semester (paper, clay, paint, and glue).

Sketchbook (spiral bound, 9x12)
Graphite Pencils (4H, 2H, HB, 2B, 4B)

Kneaded Eraser

White Eraser

Roll of tape

Colored Pencils